ADT® Authorized Dealer Serving Brownsville & Surrounding Areas
family baking cupcakes with an ADT monitor on the counter.
September 27, 2021

How You Can Reduce False Alarms from Brownsville Home Security Systems

False alarms are potentially problematic for for your security system. They could become concerning from a financial standpoint and lead to home insurance premiums going up, but there’s no need for it to go that far! You can cut down on false alarms from your Brownsville home security system by making sure each member of your family is educated on using it. Best practices like sending messages to your mobile device when an alarm is activated, using automation, and finding an alarm company that provides around-the-clock monitoring will keep first responders from coming to your residence as a result of a false alarm.

Train Occupants On Your Security Features

When you have adolescents present, make sure they know how to operate the home security system and they comprehend how it's vitally important to your overall safety. If you own pets, be sure to train your animals on what will happen in the event the alarm starts going off - most home systems issue a loud warning signal out of audio components when an alarm is activated.Train your animals to stay calm.

Set Up Mobile Alerts So You Are Able To Determine If You’re Experiencing A False Alarm

A smartphone notification won't prevent a Brownsville false security alarm, but it may prevent first responders from rushing to your property. Innovative home defense plans like packages from ADT have the ability to deliver messages straight to your mobile device from the integrated security application when your system goes off. It's a nice benefit when you're away from home to be notified right away when your alarms go off. If you have security cameras, you have the ability to view the footage and let your monitoring team know if there’s a potential problem.

Automation Is A Smart Choice To Turn off Your Property’s Security

Using home automation with your security package is a preferred method to reduce the occurrence of false alarms. The most common cause of false alarms in Brownsville is due to the fact that the security components are mistakenly still engaged when you're home. Accidentally open a door, and the alarm triggers. But you can disengage your system per a predetermined schedule, including when your youngsters come home in the afternoon. If you have an automated device like an entry lock, you might even instruct your alarms to disarm whenever the lock is activated with your code.

Use 24-7 Monitoring As A False Alarm Backup

A proven practice to limit false alarms is by choosing a home alarm company that offers 24-7 monitoring in Brownsville. These companies have staff that will check out your triggered alarms if they detect an expected amount of activity at your residence. At that point, they will call you to confirm you aren’t experiencing a false alarm. If a false alarm is established, they will reset your alarm system. If there is any indication that you have an invader, your monitoring agent will contact the police.

Install An ADT Alarm System To Limit False Security Alarms In Brownsville

It is important to remember that home defense package won’t completely stop criminal behavior, but it can provide peace of mind and better secure your property. And ADT has integrated automation and home monitoring that helps prevent false alarms. Dial (956) 291-4473 or fill out the form on this page and one of our representatives will guide you in customizing your home security system.